Don Bosco Vazhikaatti – Chennai

No. 2/661, Kallikudi North, Dindigul Main Rd, Trichy-620 009
No. 2/661, Kallikudi North, Dindigul Main Rd, Trichy-620 009

Welcome to Don Bosco Vazhikaatti

Don Bosco Vazhikaatti (Career Guidance and Job Placement Center) takes its root from the Salesian Society of Don Bosco, which is an international organization working for the cause of underprivileged, abandoned children and poor rural youth across the world without any discrimination of caste, creed, and culture. Working with them for many years helped us to understand better the educational, socio- economic, political and cultural scenario of the youth in Southern Tamilnadu and the urgency to empower them to become self reliant.

To replicate the vision of Don Bosco for the young in the Southern Districts of Tamilnadu and to work for their integral development,a center for career guidance and job placement was established on 15th August 2002 under the umbrella of Don Bosco Vazhikaatti to create an awareness among the rural youth on the available job opportunity in the Government, private, self-employment sector and career-oriented services. … Read More »

Director Message

For the past 27 years, Don Bosco Vazhikaatti (DBV) has been unwavering in its commitment to serving the community, guided by the steadfast leadership of our dedicated Salesian directors. As Salesians of Don Bosco, we are called to respond to the “signs of the times,” focusing on the growth and development of the poorest and most vulnerable young people. Your role in this mission is invaluable, and we are grateful for your continued support.

As Salesian educators, we play a unique and crucial role in guiding young people through their career discernment process. Our mission is to empower them with the skills, knowledge, and values necessary for a joyful career and a meaningful life. …Read More »

Fr. Daniel Sebastian SDB

DBV Directors

Our Departments

News & Events

Don Bosco Vazhikaatti Statistics


Career Guidance in Schools


Career Guidance Beneficiaries


Summits Organized
Total HR Summit


Companies Attended


Youths Benefitted through DBV Events (Overall)

Our Partners

